Early Childhood Education Center at Moriah School

To be successful in India’s global economy, students need a foundation of higher-level thinking skills taught and supported in a developmentally appropriate program. Most Moriah School students come from disadvantaged homes and communities and they do not have access to expensive private schools. Moriah is a school that embraces diversity, welcoming students from all backgrounds.
These children are worthy of an education that will set them on the path to academic, career, and life success.

An Early Childhood Education Center will provide the beginning of life-changing education for Moriah students.

Transformation is Underway

An Early Childhood Education Center that has a child-centered environment is a paradigm shift that will:

  • Change the trajectory of the lives of Moriah School learners
  • Establish a base for instructional methods in all grades at Moriah.
Planning for Change and Success

The plan for an Early Childhood Education Center designed by friends o¬f Moriah School who have educational expertise, along with the Moriah School leadership supports:

  • Pedagogy to make learning holistic, experiential, integrated, inquiry-driven and learner-centered for attaining optimal outcomes in all domains of development.
  • 21st century specific skill sets which will teach “how” to learn, replacing rote learning.
  • A learning environment that allows children to “think to learn” as they progress and grow.
  • Child-centered educational environment based on integrated learning areas: Math/Science; Literacy; Music/Dramatic Play; Art & Sensory; Large Muscle Play.
  • Integration of art, music, dance, puppetry into teaching modules.
  • Activity-based, hands-on learning to achieve learning outcomes.
  • Curriculum that includes manipulatives, puzzles, and developmental toys that allow children to learn “how” to think” through independent play activities.
  • Highest priority given to achieving foundational literacy and numeracy by Grade three.
  • Lower class sizes with acceptable student-teacher ratios.
  • Teachers with a minimum of an education degree with a specialty in early childhood education who are fluent in English to help students learn and grow in mind, body and spirit.


The Moriah plan is in alignment with the new India National Education Policy 2020 which establishes the guidelines for education of children ages three to eight but does not allocate resources to attain them.

Moriah School Early Childhood Center will become a model of excellence with donations from gracious and generous donors.


A shipment of equipment, curriculum and instructional supplies is scheduled for April 15, 2021. The estimated cost to purchase all items needed for the Early Childhood Learning Center is $20,000 and is needed by March 15th to allow time for procurement.

Additional costs to provide appropriately trained teachers and assistants is estimated to be $20,000 for the 2021-2022 school year.

English is at the heart of Early Childhood Education at Moriah

The vision of Moriah School is for all students and staff to be proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English. English will be taught in the Early Childhood Education Center by teachers fluent in English.

Developing English proficiency at an early age is a means to change the entire trajectory of students’ lives

  • Students in India are required to learn two regional languages
  • The primary medium of instruction in all academic subjects such as science and social studies is English

Students who are proficient in English are more likely to achieve overall academic success.

This opportunity impacts the whole family as children return home to joyfully share what they have learned, projecting hope and confidence for a better future.

Please consider making a donation today using the donation form on this page.


India National Education Policy 2020



 “India’s new National Education Policy 2020 is path breaking as it is not only the first education policy of the 21st century but for the first time policy makers have woken up to the fact that Early Childhood Education is critical for the development of the child.” Dhareshwar, Kalpana. “Progressive & Path Breaking.” The Life India, www.thelifeindia.com, Sept. 15, 2020.

“Early Childhood Care and Education in India encapsulates the period from conception through eight years of age. The first eight years of a child’s life are critical. Since the rate of development in 0-8 years is more rapid than at any other age, significance of early years is beyond debate in today’s world. Research in neuro-science confirms the importance of the early years in a child’s life particularly since 85% of brain development has already taken place by the time a child is six years of age.”  Yadav, Meghna. “WHAT IT OFFERS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN INDIA” The Life India, www.thelifeindia.com

Sept. 13, 2020.


“…a New Education Policy that was announced on the 29th of July, 2020. In the words of our Honourable Prime Minister, this policy is based on the pillars of “access, equity, quality, affordability, accountability” and will transform India into a “vibrant knowledge hub”.  Mohan, Kalpana.  “WHAT TRANSFORMS THROUGH THE NEW EDUCATION POLICY?”  The Life India, www.thelifeindia.com,  Sept. 13, 2020.

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